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Miriam Fisher Terrace

The Miriam Fisher Terrace is the ideal space for a small reception. The intimate, ethereal feel wll transport you to a place of beauty and tranquility. It features a walled brick courtyard with access to the adjoining walled museum garden. This space will accommodate 75 people for a stand-up reception. For larger parties, the grassy lot across the alley from the courtyard may also be rented.





















Kelly Gallery

Consider renting our gallery space for your next reception or gathering, or even to host an exhibit of your own. It is located on the first floor of our facilities, and has a capacity of 75 people.



Tour Center

The Second Floor of the Tour Center contains two rooms. Each room has capacity for 30 individuals. Room arrangements may include theatre style or small meeting room. One or both of these rooms are often used as a bride’s area before weddings as well.




Be sure to read our Rental Policy for rates and other important details.

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